Rabu, 12 Desember 2012

Indonesia Needs Cyber ​​Army

Attacks through cyberspace without having to be physically present military strength in the opponent, has become a new trend in modern warfare in the 21st century. Therefore, Indonesia needs to prepare for power or cyber army cyber warriors comprised of individuals skilled and experts in cyber warfare, as outlined in the draft National Cyber ​​Defense Development, a frontline in information warfare challenges. This was stated by the Minister of Defence (Defence) RI Yusgiantoro at once opened officially welcome the National Cyber ​​Defense Workshop, at the Ministry of Defence (Kemhan), Jakarta, Tuesday (2/10).

With the formation of the National Cyber ​​Defense, said the minister continued his speech, the development of national capacity in order to enhance national resilience against various threats from cyber world will be further enhanced. But on the other hand, infrastructure development should also be realized in an integrated development environment specifically Kemhan RI and the military.

It is also expected as the capital base in order to prepare the concept and initial development or Back Bound Comprehensive Cyber ​​Defense, considering that so far the concept of development with the formation of Cyber ​​Defense is still not comprehensive sectoral or as a whole the National Cyber ​​Defense.

In line with the statement of Defence Minister, Chancellor of the University of Defence (IDU) Dr. Syarifuddin Tippe, M.Si said in a report on implementation of activities, that penyelenggaraaan National Cyber ​​Defense Workshop event is a reflection of concerns at the operational level of the threat of cyber world. Thus, the condition is a contemporary context that should not be considered as ordinary matter, because in the information age all the changes happening as fast as blink of an eye.

One-day workshop and participants from Kemhan, TNI headquarters, Navy and other agencies concerned, the theme of National Defence Information Systems Implementation (Sisinfohanneg) Towards realization of the National Cyber ​​Defense. By presenting a number of speakers from among practitioners and academics, among others, from Kemenkopolhukam that explores the material about the National Cyber ​​Organization, then BPPT about Sisinfohanneg Grand Design Concepts, Communication and Information about the ISO Standards Applicable Current ICT as well as from Puster AD that convey the topic of Needs Minimal in the Context of Cyber ​​Threats Facing Defense.
visit : http://dmc.kemhan.go.id

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